Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Great Escape

The great escape, a run from evil. Gasping for breath, inhaling deeply, wanting only to disappear. Frightened because my fears haunt me. This reality is a physical nightmare everyone is careless. Focused only on themselves, while loyalty is kicked to the curve. The struggle of living in repetition, tears being held back by the mere thought of being embarrassed and having to explain the cause. Breathing with so much tension that every breath you take feels like your going to welch in tears. Stuck between the little self-control you have for making sure those tears don’t start bleeding out of your eyes uncontrollably, and the hatred you have for yourself for ending up in this position. You realize you have no one to blame. But giving up is not an option. I want to run towards anything, it doesn’t matter as long as I can run away, but this weight, Feels like an anchor keeping you in place, like a boat. Only moving with the current of the ocean, circling the failure that’s keeping you down. You count the seconds, as they turn to minutes and you desperately watch the minutes turn to hours. Counting the last second until you can leave. Leaving is only temporary, and you know that sad, sad truth but the temporary relief sounds like it would make everything better. Not a long-term solution, only temporary. Looking for something permanent but you take the temporary, because at the end of the day all you want to do is catch your breath. Racing home is like holding your breath underwater. Seeing home is as if you see the surface. Walking through the door feels like your forehead breaking the surface, grabbing the bottle is the euphoria you feel when your hand is above water, Submerged knowing that your literally milliseconds away from inhaling life back into your soul. You pour the glass; you finally gasp for air, regaining the oxygen you lost, all of it that drained the life out of you. Leaving your body and mind weak, And then, only then you realize, life doesn’t have you by the throat any more. You’re free. Breath… numb the pain that almost caused you to lose it. Burry the hate, the struggle, all of it. Because the escape is ever so sweet, calming, and then, and only then do you realize that everything is going to be ok, because you are finally breathing. You are. Finally Breathing.